Leadership & Sustainability, as the prime sustainability management consultant and solution provider, believes in responsible social and ethical behavior. The company has a responsibility to the people serving the company worldwide. People whose work contributes to the company’s success should not be deprived of their basic human rights. Neither should they be forced to suffer physically or mentally from their work. Furthermore, Leadership & Sustainability and its employees have an obligation to all stakeholders1) to observe high standards of integrity and fair dealing. This is the foundation for and the reason that Leadership & Sustainability has created its Code of Conduct.
Please find our detailed Code of Conduct here.
If any of the content herein is in conflict with local legislation, then local legislation will supersede. Situations may occur for which there are no specific guidelines. In such cases behavior in the spirit of the Code should be maintained. In case of uncertainty, concern, complaint, or a report of violation, an employee’s immediate manager, the person nominated for the local mechanism for referral, or if there is no such local function, the nominated person for the Code of Conduct at Leadership & Sustainability headquarters should be contacted. All information will be treated confidentially, and no employee will be discriminated against for reporting violations of the policy in good faith.
1) These include customers and end users, owners and investors, fellow employees, partners and suppliers, governments and authorities, neighbors and local communities, interest groups and the media.