We have been working hard to improve our service portfolio for you. And as we all know, hard work pays off – so we are happy to announce that we have successfully completed all tests to become official SAC Higg FEM
- general verifier
- chemicals specialist verifier
- trainer!
What does this mean for you?
From now on we can fully support your Higg FEM verification process, train you on all the important topics i.e. wastewater and chemicals management and finally verify your facility on-site or off-site.
Download an overview of our SAC Higg Index services here.
What is the Higg FEM?
The Higg FEM informs brands, retailers, and manufacturers about the environmental performance of their individual facilities, so they can make improvements that reduce negative impacts and move towards aspirational goals. This module can be used by manufacturers at any tier of the apparel, footwear, and textile industry supply chain.
We believe that the fashion and apparel industry can only be successful and become more sustainable through knowledge and turning it into action together. This is why we support you with a Higg FEM training and strive to find solutions to your sustainability issues.
Do you need further information, training or verification?
As a special introductory offer, we have prepared a one-day Higg Index FEM training.
Sample agenda for Higg Index FEM training
- Introduction to SAC Higg FEM
- Self-assessment & options for verification
- Environmental Management Systems
- Focus areas:
⇒ Energy Management
⇒ Water Management
⇒ Wastewater Management
⇒ Waste Management
⇒ Air emissions Management
⇒ Chemicals Management
- Tracking the manufacturing process
- Wrap-up
For booking or further information, please contact us via e-mail or use our booking tool!
We are looking forward to working on your SAC Higg FEM verification with you!
Further information
Make sure to read our article “How does the SAC’s Higg Index fit your sustainability strategy?“.
Find out more about Karin.
Check some of our references.
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