Are you currently still preparing your Higg FEM self-assessment? Or perhaps you have already completed it? Either way, we encourage you to plan for your Higg FEM 3.0 Verification as soon as possible!
By verifying your results, you not only ensure that your scores are accurate and comparable, but you also add value to your business by enhancing your reputation and increasing your sustainability performance.
We would like to seize this opportunity and support you on your Higg FEM Verification journey. Our experienced Higg FEM verifiers would like to explain to you the essential steps and process of a Higg FEM Verification.
On July 24th, we went through the process of a Higg FEM Verification and how to prepare for it. If you weren’t able to attend, you can now re-watch it on our YouTube Channel and also download the presentation from our website!
We look forward to assisting you with verifications for FEM2019. Having a trustworthy partner by your side that can guide you through that process and provide effective advice on how to improve is of utmost importance. We at Leadership & Sustainability would love to be that partner for you. We conduct verifications both on-site and off-site. Please contact us to get a detailed verification proposal!
SAC extends deadlines!
The SAC recognizes it has been challenging to complete the Higg FEM and post self-assessments in recent weeks. Therefore, they have extended the deadline to post 2019 Higg FEM self-assessments on from June 30 to August 14.
For more information about our expertise around the Higg FEM, we also invite you to check out our webinar series on the Higg FEM Verification Trail!
Please contact us here if you have any further questions related to the webinar or if you would like to work with us on a Higg FEM-related project.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Kind regards,
Karin & Team
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