We at Leadership & Sustainability aim to provide you with guidance on the European and German supply chain laws. We provide you with comprehensive ways of assessing the details, how to meet the requirements and reach new levels of progress within your organization.
In case you were unable to join our webinar: “Towards the Supply Chain Laws – Are you prepared?”, you can now re-watch it on our YouTube Channel and also download the presentation from our website!
Content & Context
The questions of where and how products are produced and how raw materials are extracted are becoming more and more relevant for stakeholders. They want to be sure that neither child nor forced labour are involved in the process. Furthermore, they want to be sure that no environmental standards have been violated. It is a challenge for companies to meet stakeholders’ expectations. Therefore, the introduction of binding cross-sectoral due diligence requirements was inevitable.
In spring 2021, the European Commission agreed to introduce a new cross-sectoral supply chain law by passing a legislative proposal on due diligence requirements. The proposal focuses on the protection of human rights, environment and good governance in the supply chain. In the future, parent companies based in the EU will also be held liable in the courts of EU Member States for damage caused by their business partners or subsidiaries in third-party countries.
The German government has already gone one step further. A German law that is intended to bring more transparency into the supply chain is expected to come into force by 2023. This supply chain law will not come into force until 2023. Companies with 3,000 or more employees will have time to check both their own and their suppliers’ compliance with human rights. And, if necessary, will be able to make improvements.
The question of whether a cross-sectoral European supply chain law will be passed is no longer up for discussion. It is therefore time for companies and brands to start with targeted risk management in logistics and supply chain operations. To ensure a holistic understanding of the upcoming requirements and details, we would like to offer you support. We are delivering a short and valuable webinar on dealing with the changing situation from both a brand and company point of view.
We look forward to assisting you with preparing for the supply chain laws.
Having a trustworthy partner by your side that can guide and help you with preparing for the supply chain laws and provide effective advice on how to improve is of utmost importance. We at Leadership & Sustainability would love to be that partner for you.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!
We look forward to meeting you!
Kind regards,
Karin & Team
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